
Jul 04, 2007 15:06

through a great deal of blood, sweat and tears I have mangaged to sort out the issues my fatigue caused me.

sadly said sorting out means that i am no longer free to see Scarecrow this month, something that's made all the sadder because I actually found someone who wanted to go with me!

never mind there's allways next April!!!

(you better still be together in April boys or I'll hunt the both of you down, cage you together and then force you to sing duets for many, many hours!!)

I'm glad that it's over and done with, especially as I've annoyed more than one person while sorting things out, seriously worried my mother by having a rather etreem emmotional outburst yesterday and now owe Jue a huge favour of some sort or another...

perhaps I could let her have the free chocies work are letting me have for my B-day...


chaos, me, scarecrow, sleep, april

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