Jun 11, 2007 12:01
Today I am a happy fan!
To explain my program came today (you'll have photo's tomorrow!) and I've spent the last ten minutes sniffing its wonderful concerty smell, huggling its shiny silver cover and stairing at the false beauty of Dai-chan's blue eyes!
I then spent ten minutes staring at the utter cuteness of the sleeping Rin picture somewhere in the middle (may use this for an icon at some random point soon!)
Then spent a further ten minutes wishing, yet again, that I was fluent in Japanese!!
The worst bit is that I want to learn but that there is absolutly no where locally that does a course and the OU isn't offering one this year...
Somehow I think i'll be teaching myself!!!! (actually I quite like this idea, though it would mean that I'd have to attempt to harden my kitten like attention span!)