Dec 22, 2011 08:28
So I went to Rin’s concert on the 12th of last month in heals, a silly choice that mainly happened because they were litterally the only footwear I owned that went with the outfit I HAD to wear for the evening in question.
(It was pretty, it made me look pretty and also it was perfect for how hot a day it ended out being)
Predictably I ended out paying for this in the form of blisters which took to the rain/walking punishment that was the 19th of that self same month pretty badly and started flairing up, then they had a whole Ito concert to deal with and more walking.
Basically by the time I got to the airport they were oozing pretty badly and not looking all that pleasent.
Still the next few days consisted of me being off of them thanks to jet lag and a little course of antespetic spray/cream that seemed to bascially set it to a point where it was healing nicely.
Then I went back to work.
For a while all was still pretty well even concidering that my job basically has me stood for 8 hour stretches, putting pressure on the footsie and also comming into vauge contact with things that might get it contaminated!
Needless to say it first started to itch like utter crazyness, then it started to flake and yesterday it swelled to a point where my father had me in the car and down to our local minor injuries clinic almost the instant he saw it.
I’ve now been gifted some antibotics and informed that I have to keep it as elevated as possible for at least 48hrs.
Haha if ’ I got a foot infection thanks to all the serious dancing I did at your concert’ is not a sign of love I don’t know what is!!
So there you go Rin (and Ken by proxy), you’d better darn well appreciate this level of devotion!!
i really should't admit something like,