Oh, hello flist, I didn't see you there!
How are you?
This whole thing AKA: There are no concert photos ANYWHERE.
Though given the Rin tweets:
. 昨日のスケクロ復活ライブは来てくれたみんなのパワーと来れなかったみんなの想いで、僕らは精一杯頑張れて本当に楽しかったよ。ありがとね。それにしても会場がぎゅうぎゅうで嬉しいのと心配で複雑な気持ちだった。みんな大丈夫だったかな~?
much fun was had by all!! (though there were capacity issues...which = bad because people started feeling faint + squishy, but also = good because maybe an encouragemnt for more from the boys yes??)
And, to be honest, I've put in a request for the 'tour' book I'd get excited about that name but it specifically mentions both concert dates in the info on the book so, aparently, staying in one place now = a tour...*sigh* scarecrow logic!! so it's not as though I won't eventually see the fanservice pictures.
Now still > later though so, you know....
I litterally just had a fangasm because someone commented back to Rin saying this was the best SC live EVER and then just causally adding 'play a trick?' as though it'd remind the boy of something....OMG FACEKISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!
In non SC themed news I found this the other day:
and instantly my head was all "OMG WE NEED TO MAKE A FIC WHERE THIS IS AN ACTUAL SHERLOCK VERSE SITUATION!!" because Gatiss's outfit is just love and the look on Ben's face....
Oh and the more I see that coat the more I want it.
Thanks head.
Thanks a lot!!