Mar 13, 2011 08:06
Yeh so no recent posts as I stayed up until 11 on Friday night watching the Tweets roll in then I was up again at 4ish again with Twitter before rolling into work hugging my phone to me just incase someone on my instant twitter feed posted :O news and I somehow missed the alert because my phone was in my pocket.
By the time I got back from my 8hr shift with extra bonus 1 1/2 bus related 'fun' I felt so shattered that I just wanted to get my head in a happier place and actually get some sleep.
Thus today I do not feel sick/sleepy/on the verge of tears.
+ two things have already come out of this morning to make me smile despite the over arching worry that's basically gonna sit in my stomach until the aftershocks are gone.
#1: Rin tweeted to Taka this morning!! (黒田です。お久しぶりです。チャリティのことをリツイートで知って連絡したくてフォローしました。なにかやれることがあるようだったら何でもやるんで、声かけてください。)
#2: The information that Rin was actually recording album stuff when the quake hit + was so wrapped up in singing that he actually didn't notice the shaking to being with. (this one is also sort of *.* because the staff actually phyically had to poke him before he got all O.O OMG EARTHQUAKE!!!)
japanese earthquake,