Jan 27, 2011 15:33
Oh an actual text entry, the shock!!
Yeh so thumb continues to improve, indeed today I'm going to see how not putting any gel on at all goes for me and work from there.
It was aparently even worse than I'd thought because when I went back into work on Wednesday everything I touched felt a lot skinner than it had only two days previous...hmm maybe 25000 words in one go is a little extreem even for me!!
Bashi is apparently out for a live today and yet there is no Oversway info forthcomming from Sharky and I I'm fairly confident that he's not doing anything SC themed (unless they are suddenly being super, duper, seacret about lives...which is sort of possible now that I think of it) so maybe he's finally venturing out properly as a solo artist.
More on this tomorrow when either twitter or his blog will have solved the mystery!!
Talking of Twitter Babi stop repetedly stressing the fact that you're writing stuff with Rin again...it's seriously starting to bumb me out, I mean 2011 HAS to be an SC album year being as 2010 wasn't.
Then again Ken's aparently super hyped with his own solo stuff at the moment so IDK.
All I want is a little consistency, fandom, is that too much to ask???
Oh as to status sucky understaffed week is sucky and understaffed!!!