
Dec 14, 2010 14:55

firstly Grandma is neither worse nor better today...honestly I think the limbo is worse for dad than it being worst case senario...still our little 4 person family unit is tying tight together and attempting to instill as much distractedness as possible in storm weathering type proceedures.

Also I've created him a 4 layer present so that he can smile a little on The Big Day next week.

Oh and thank you to everyone who's been so nice about this in the last few days, you've no idea how much it means to know your all out there thinking nice thoughts in my general direction!!

in more ususal fair:

. I've so put a bid in for that Dojinishi.

. Aparently Kinya told Ken he prefers to hear him in SC and the Ito was all :( because he enjoys the solo work too!! Thus I chipped in and told him that though I want SC stuff next year (oooooooooooh how I want SC stuff) I also want Ken :) rather than :( so he should focus on whatever makes him the happiest at the time.

. The above swiftly bit me on the tooshy because Ken also announced that he's cameoing in Kinya's NY concert...waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I want me some SC loving!!


SC say "merry Christmas everyone" and Soul says "I may love how opacity makes the picture work but I seriously hate how much hard work it is!!"

. I keep smelling airoplane today...I'm not sure this a good thing....

rl, doodle, scarecrow, doodles, ken, kenichi, sc

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