so in Tokyo safe and sound!! Bought allways at 13:10 Tokyo time for those playing guessing games.
1. The meddlesome rainbow - A gentle, happy, feeling song in which Rin is on wonderful voice and yet Babbi's harmony seems discordent on the chorus. Melodically very, very, simple, with a traditional sort of Rin balad sound to it. The one change in pace is quite cutesy and again pretty usual for this fair.
2. Ready go - Oh how I <3 this song. I've already aired my views back with the PV linkies and they're 100% staying in place. I can so see this being another danger song as far as driving is concerned...
3. Yell~our encounter is not a co-incidence - A familiar sounding intro...a lovely little song that would fit a trasitioning PV very well...a description that probably only makes sense to me but there we go. Rin's in passionate voice here and it's working well for the song, in so much as I'm picturing him making realy enthused hand gestures while singing. Again more ballad than shock rock track, but this ones a leaning a little away from Rin's usual main stay with that sound. Ahhh cutesy high pitched middle bit very remicient of the sort of vocal maniping you'd normally find on an Ito song...
4. The only thing I wish for - Ah and it's the heart wrencher...there's such a raw edge to the vocal almost sense of longing. Also the high notes....a perfect show of just how a Rin voice should work. Also I may be crying just a teeny weeny bit....curse you!!
5. See you in my dreams - OMG WTH it sounds like the intro to a boy band song. Seriously at any moment I'm expecting 4 part harmony....that to one side, this is another realy chilled little track and Rin's usuing the edges of his voice that make one want to use words such as 'longe music'. Ahh it's actually making me so chilled I'm sort of drifting off to sleep in a happy, mushy, sort of way...again a pretty simple one melodically....hmmm it's almost as though he decided to create an album sort of last minute and basically out of the blue. Oh wait.
6. Trying - HHHHHA omg it feels so SC...I'm seriously head banging away here. Pft bestest and funnest chorus EVER!! Bouncy. As. Heck. Despite being a little formlaic in the lay out of it's melody it feels sort of chaotic and spontanious. God Rin's so going to have pulled something either dancing to the random techno bit or from all the air jumpy punching he's going to have done to it during the tour.
7. Love traveler - Weird. Very weird. Rin's using his smexy voice which sujets his mike had some fondles during the recording. Haha squeeky high notes and he's making percussion sounds again...oh god it's still so weird and yet...hurrah proper Babi solo, then more oddness.
8. Purple - Unessicerally long pause then what sounds like an intro right out of an anime about something computery. Ahhh FLUETEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. Dear god it's love. I'm even forgiving Rin doing slidy, silly high notes that he realy should accept he can no longer reach now that he's pushing 38...the flute keeps adding this odd, creepy, extra dimention to Rin's voice...oh god I seriously am in love. MORE PLS!! Also Babi I'm offically impressed with the lick work there...though that's between you and I (and lj but...)
9. HABENERO - Huh sounds like death metal...or something very Ch@ppy maniped...from the intro. Indeed Rin's voice has a feed back to it here that sugests a great deal of post production tinkering. Another song that wouldn't go ammis in the Kito back if only Rin can rub some balad composing magic off on the Ito. (this is unfair, but I'm certain you all know I don't mean it) Indeed it feels kind of late Iceman...honestly I'm not too sure at the moment. Definatly the late bloomer (there's one on every Rin album, fyi!)
10. Allways - I love the melody instantly, though I'm 100% a sucker for Rin's guitar compositions! Aww I can seriously hear the giant smile he would have been smiling while singing this. la irevtclivnq I'm tearing again.....YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!
two kind of related questions:
1. Is there a reason why I feel I should know the name 'Kazuhisa Mori?'
2. In a worst case senario how long can J-band concerts go on for???
#2 is because I now have a ticket set aside for Oversway, however, the venue is a little more in the sticks than I was invisioning and I want to make sure I can get home before committing because I'm on a slightly tighter budjet than I intitially thought (best you don't ask), thus can't afford to steal a hotel room for the night and have no want to be all the way out in the boonies. Alone. At night.
Answers by tomorrow at the latest!!
in kind of related extra bits of news:
. Aparently I get inspired by being trapped in airports. I seriously mentally plotted a good 4 digi while twiddling my thumbs in Heathrow yesterday.
. I listened to the very first ever Radio gear while on the plane today/yesterday and awwwwwwwwwwww. A) The Kurorin thing exisits even then b) Rin kept slipping the occational 'ken-chan' between all the Ito-san's c) there realy is a moment where Rin says the words "Ito-san suki desu."...ok so it's him talking either about Ken loving something or someone (I'm not too certain on that point) but a fangirl can dream.
. You can get stuff for 'the seeker' via I-tunes....oooooh tempting.....
. Ken's random twitter updates begin to fill me with fear!! Seriously he's been spending the last could of days talking about attempting to sort out a stalled situation and how he'snot having much luck (ahhhhh don't break up SC, pleeeeeeeeeeeeeaseeeeeeeeeeese)
in not at all related extra bits:
weeeeeeeeee bus. Which I entirly booked all by myself with no help...well I say no help, the lady at the desk did start speaking beautiful, fluent English to me the instant I got to the front of the que.
. After 2 years of heavy cloud, fog, smog and heat haze I finally saw Fuji-san this morning. He looked so tall and magestic!!
. After 2 years of being so near and yet so far I finally got my dream Tower view room!! Ahhhhhhhh I could stare at it all night....