lol I've seriously been 'blessing' the Ito a whole lot this week...aparently he is like a naughty child to me at the moment...a soon to be 39yr old child but a child none the less...
thanks to
kikki_morra's link via DA Fam I've been listening to one of the new Ito songs this morning.
It's so unexpectidly synthy!! Not that this is bad, fyi, it's just his more recent outpourings (changes, time machine and doll) have been more soft rocky guitar lead affairs.
The guitar is also back in real force!!! It's a realy strong, rythmic, force to the piece and bascially turns the Ito harmonic into this totaly amazing addition to the piece.
I so want to own it along with the other new stuff but a) I don't actually think it's on an album yet and b)even if it were it's Ken we're on about and thus it'll only be available via FC, the luxury of which I can't afford until after next year.
Oh on the subject of which...I'm currently debating on what sort of date span I can actually afford. The current, very attrative, option is to do a 7 week stint from 30th of September until the 18th of November and then pay for a cheep hotel for two days so that I can do Ito's 40th However, it'll all depend on how relistic the new saving goal of £400 a month proves and how close to the wire I can relistically book my flight out.
This because as I DESPERATLY want to homestay I need to have all the finances in 3mnths before, which means I'll need the final course fee of 3,080.00 by June. I'll have 8 mnths to save so at a rate of £400 a month I should manage 3,2000 with 3 mths left to book flights and the hotel for the extra days.
The last I look the flight was £600 so that's a 2mnth max period to save for that which means I'm looking at possibly booking the flight with only a month spare...something that I can think more about once I know I've actually got somewhere to go!!
Also I can see no realistic reason why I can't just get a return flight out from Tokyo for the home stint and thus get a airport hotel or something like that for my 2 extra days...
In otherwords it's something to aim hard for and 7 weeks is still A LOT of time to suck in lots and lots of Japanese!!