Today SC released a picture of RSF's cover:
so I love the shot of Rin because, you know, torso! Also fluffy collar!
Ken is nom worthy, though it's sad we can not see the splendour of the hair!
Bashi...I just wanna squidge him!
Sharky...ew, just ew.
Oh and on the subject of ew what's with that font????
With this cover you've proved what I've known all along, are lazy, lazy people!
I still love you and I'm so hyped for this album that I'd buy it even if it just came to me in a plasticy sleve but, you know, a little effort might be appreciated.
Also as much as I realy wanna hear Wearewolf I'm not going to pay for it in I-tune format when I'll be getting it properly a few weeks later...not unless you give me some form of PV insentive, *hint* *hint*