to the message first!
Dear Hiro,
Happy b-day you random, random, man you! Thankyou for your moments of compleete and utter fail, for your gormless smile and your totaly bashable looks! I know that I don't realy talk about you much but be assured that you realy do hold a little bit of my affection. Also never, ever, leave Dai-chan again.
The Otaku!
ok, now let there be Rin!
The point here, I guess, is that SC era Rin is a total goofball. It's something that us solo fans have sort of been suspicious of for a while and that's really bloomed as the boys have grown closer.
The warmth and support he's gotten from the lads has clearly allowed him to become all that more confident in his own self and to feel comfortable in letting the fans see a slightly less composed side of his nature.
I mean the Rin of '97 would never, EVER, have posed for a camera wearing a dress.
Oh also the individual musical inflences he's enountered while part of SC has allowed his own sound to grow wonderfully. He's also developed a wonderfully rich harmonic to his voice that is all but breathtaking!
in otherwords:
I <3 you so, so, much SC Rin! Never change!!!!