May 29, 2009 20:42
so I've just finshed listening to SC podcast #50.
a few things of note for this one.
. the occational snatch of music in the background had me realy hyped...was it the album being recorded, was it Rin listening to random stuff????
. Rin sounded sick...or at least a little more weezy than is his usual. I'm hoping his lack of chatting for this one was a sign that he's resting as much as possible and not putting any undue strain on that frail little body of his! If only because he's 37 next week and needs to be in good health in order to celebrate this fact!
. Ken was absent...somehow a radio gear is not a radio gear without the sound of his laugter!
. I actually understood one chunk of discussion about and even (rin's b-day) happening on Sunday. At last some of my random knowledge pays off!!!
I <3 whoever thought up this quote first! Seriously a whole bag of internets for you!!!!