day three prt 2

Mar 04, 2009 16:15

well I did it! And the actual moment of piercing didn't hurt one little bit...right at this moment, however...

still it's not majourly bad unless I knock which point it's very, very, bad.

So no playing with my hair for the next couple of days.

Oh, or hats!

Also I have decided that pop tarts exist in some form of snack food no-mans land...I mean where does one look for them in the supermarket??? They're not a cake and they're not a biscuit!!!! In the end I resorted to stroling up and down each sweet based aisle to no avail.

Which is why I ended out buying a chocolate and hazelnut muffin from Starbucks and treating myself to what the work lot now affectionatly know as a 'Tash'.

Better known as one dab of moca, two shots of cofee and a shot and a bit of hazelnut.

mmmmm perfection in a cup!

Oh and please make your txting feature easier to understand LJ!

That way I can post random entries (such as the above) as/when they come to me rather than having to wait till I get back to the computer!!!

piercing, random

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