So I'm browsing my way through Rinkya as usual and I spot a little pile of Scarecrow merch for sell.
Out of curiosity I click the auction listing.
The second I saw these:
I knew I had to own it!
Seriously look at all that fanservice!!!
I mean not only has that program got a close up of what must be another bit of Play a Trick love but it also contains a picture of Ken posing on Rin's shoulder.
To make things even better one of the postcards features the same shoulder posing shot, but with Ken facing the camera and making a GRRRR MINE face.
At the moment it's only £10 ($20) so even with shipping it's not a huge investment.
By wednesday I bet you its more than I can afford on this months meager budject (Oh payroll why, after five years of getting my wages right, did you have to pick now to muck up??)