look at this shiny wonderfulness that I totaly stolen from
gwyneth-skiner who, in turn, had it sent to her by some Die-san fans:
seeing this in my flist yesterday totaly made my day and has also kept me happy today!!!
Current favorite things in the picture:
. Tiny Bashi + his multi coloured hair!!
. The size of Ken's hair and how chubby his cheeks have gotten!!
. Die-san's smexy smile
. Sharky's hair (if only for the lol factor!!)
. Genuine Rin smile and clearly contented attitude!!
Current agrivations:
. All the band members between Ken and Rin!!
. The fact that Rin's hair looks shorter...he'd better not have cut it, otherwise a certain Otaku may have to create an angry, angry, digi (it's sad that this is only 10% joke!!)