big entry is big.
I'd apologise but there'd be no sincerity to it and so...
Firstly a new moving icon for the first time in what seems forever!
snipped from this moment:
because I felt the need to have more AXS fanservice moments with which to flood
Kitsunekaya's lj as/when I comment!
I also snaffled this:
daww DA's such a softie at heart!
and this:
which is 100% Hiro proposing, Dai-chan accepting and then the pair celebrating their engagement with the fans!
all of which appeared on the final concert disc out of the AxS aniversary boxset.
You may blame
Kitsunekaya for this as well:
as this idea came out of a convo she and I were having about 'Digirizum' (I totaly give up on spelling that title correctly, btw)
those that've been reading
heerosferret's Lj for any length of time will recall that a little after the Mads split she formed a theory about the little dangly thingies that Ken and Dai were both sporting at the time.
being that both are once again sporting danglies
Dai's is a typically gaudy and OTT afair!
Ken's is a little harder to see but I promise you it's there!)
I thought I'd revive the theory through a digi:
(Me thinks Rin wants his Ito all to himself!!)
finally I wanted to share this:
secret OTP handshake for the win!
and this:
weee quality family time!
yeh I'll go now!