I'm once more in the mood for a PV/live binge sadly I have plans this morning and thus I've not realy got the time to wait for Youtube to stream stuff in.
I'm so entirly spending tomorrow indulging this yearning!
I've just told my 'DA fam addiction' story to all the guys on my facebook comunity (20 people and counting I feel so loved!!!) and, once again, I'm quite stunned by the idea that, all of a year ago, my love for a certain someone (and his bandmates) was still fairly low key.
If not for K-ito.net and Decadance I'm certain it would still be as such.
This is a rather frightening prospect because it means I wouldn't know
contain sclez decadelast or
gwyneth_skiner or have held such interesting discussions with them!
Thus thank you Rin, sweety, for making me such a stupidly huge Iceman/Scarecrow fangirl and thus allowing me to become the odd, obessive, individual that I am today, thank you Daisuke for making me slightly broker than I should be and for driving your 'unique' brand of synth pop into my head and finaly thank you Kenichi for simply being you!