- 133rd tide | | forgotten -

Feb 17, 2011 11:30

[Accidental Voice]

---re as heck's not the STUPID airport. Okay. I give in! Directions... [Umi's annoyed voice can be heard past a layer of foosteps and another sound: maybe small wheels rolling onto pavement? This comes to a stop with a huff.] Now, who in the world should I--? ...Hey! Excuse me! Can YOU tell me the fastest way to--?

Jeez. Listen here already! [The sound of muffled voices fades in the background as the passersby all but ignore her question.] I'm talking to you! I'm supposed to catch a plane! Boy, is it too much of a bother to-?!

...Awk! FORGET IT! I'm done here. I'm calling a cab! [A rustle of static as she fumbles with her bag.] IF I can find one in the middle of this weirdo pl--! ...huh?

[Accidental Switch to Video]

This thing...? [A confused face peers right into the camera. Umi's dressed casually, carrying a travel bag and dragging a suitcase along.] How did it...?

No, but... [She frowns, her face growing serious.] It's mine. I think... This place... [The recording's angle becomes awkward as she gazes around.] I've--


[End Video]

[ ooc : Aaaaaaand Umi's back! 8D; Say goodbye to your peace and quiet! Barely months have gone by for her, but her memories of The City are a shadow at best. However, she will remember in due time and gradually. Feel free to bug/help/freak the beejeebus out of her!

...Also, plz to be bearing with me as I revisit my rusty RP skillz. +_+v ]

stop brainwashing me, miss politeness, did you miss me?, things best left forgotten, well fuck you too city, brb readapting, broken promises sob, gonna miss that flight, suitcase full of... wait, like a newb!, ...do not want, wish you knew how to quit me, charming as ever, new old victim, recognize the temper?, time heals all wounds, welcome home darling, loud is back

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