- 126th tide | | unexpected -

Nov 29, 2010 11:24

Hey, it's sure crowded over here this morning. Maybe it means it'll be a good business d--! ...NO WAY. I can't believe this. Tell me this isn't--!

...It IS. How come these days always catch me off guard?!

Uhh. WHATEVER. It's going to be okay. Everyone I know...! Hikaru?? Mamoru? Aya, all of you? Uhhh... Ascot? Boy, it'll be great to see you if you're around. I'm over here at the Koneko. Just drop by! Er. Tell you what: we can see if we can get a dinner party going at the house like we always do for these visits!

Aw, but... JUST A WARNING: I don't want to see a single creepy lurker around this flower shop! You hear that?? I'm serious! I got a hose in my hand and I know how to use it!

[ OOC : ANYTHING GOES. ANYTHING EVER. MKR characters and former City acquaintances are especially loved! ♥ Troll away, my darlings, troll awayyyyy. ]

primed and ready, trespassers will be glared at, trying not to get sentimental, hell yeah she's armed, koneko, wtf creepy stalkers, intruder alert, it's nostalgia time, 4th wall

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