- 116th tide | | fortune -

Sep 16, 2010 12:33

[Off the Network || Fortune cookie found yesterday]

[Off the Network || Journal]

[The tiny note inside the cookie has been kept and stuck to the pages of Umi's paper journal.]

I swear it never ends. So what's that even supposed to mean? "You will see them again". See WHO? Ken and Aya, once I get out of here? I don't need a stupid COOKIE to know! ...More of our friends from Cephiro? Asc Someone who left and will come back? ...Mom and dad...?

Boy, WAY to make us go crazy with wishful thinking. But these were supposed to be mostly BAD, right? So, what? Some creeper who left's going to come back here? It better not be I really don't know what to make of this one.

[End Journal entry]

Yesterday proves one thing, huh? That there's no ordinary WHATEVER this place can't up a few notches on the Weird scale. I mean those fortune cookies. Did all of the things they foretold end up happening? Or WILL happen...? Do you think

I'm not sure about it, but--- I don't really think ALL OF THEM said bad things. I'm sure there may be one or two that were actually GOOD. Or at least sounded so! Um. Okay, nevermind. It's like Yuuko said. CHOICES. And it's not like we should pay much attention to this anyway.

Aya, Syaoran? Mister Clow? I think I'm ready to go back to work. Vacation's over! Looks like we're going to be moving to the beach house permanently anyway.

...And you know what?? HOUSES with roofs are a GREAT idea, don't you think?!

[Filtered to household || Unhackable]

LANTIS WAS LIVING IN A TREE. Can you believe that, Clef?? A freaking TREE!

I don't care how powerful he is. There's no way we can let him stay out there with all the dangers and weirdness the curses bring about! ...Boy, curses NOTHING: this place comes packed with enough weird dangerous stuff to last us the not-cursed days too!

...Everyone: he needs to come live here. Or if that gets too awkward AT LEAST get himself an apartment. Even Eagle could be talked into that.

[End Filter]

[ ooc: Everyone residing in the MKR beach house do feel free to assume you've seen the cookie Umi found lying around and read the message: she's tried to be discreet about it but we know your watergirl fails at subtlety. ;; ]

apartment shenanigans, bridge of birds, wtf city, brb speculating forever, closet mellow girl, the cephirian invasion, cephirian men and their trees, promises promises, koneko, lantis, back to work!, end of summer, who...?, fortune cookie madness, curse aftermath

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