- 114th tide | | slaughter -

Sep 02, 2010 12:52

[ sadHgasy35rwt9098dmlspqFTDWY ERROR: invalid command entered_ ]

[ ERROR: cannot process command → VOICE_ ]


This is... I-I didn't mean to. I swear I don't know what's up! I just-!!

...I-- is this today's curse ( Read more... )

some vacation, she's collecting them, approach at your own risk, heads will roll, ...do not want, halp, at least it's not her head, well fuck you too city, let's go for mass murder, no magic knight behavior, not as planned, training session gone wrong, i smell trauma

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eagleofautozam September 2 2010, 18:13:44 UTC
Umi? Are you alright?

[A sound Umi may recognize…. The sickening thunk of a head landing of the ground and rolling away. ]

Try to stay calm… you haven’t attacked anything but monsters, right?


LOL Eagle's going full throtle I see XD;; 1/2 soulofocean September 2 2010, 18:16:28 UTC

[Oh, she certainly recognizes the thud. It's horrid. But... so gratifying today, almost pleasant...

She has to get a grip before she makes herself sick.]

What in the world are you...?


2/2 soulofocean September 2 2010, 18:17:04 UTC
---Not you too!

Yeah, monsters! Just MONSTERS!! Gosh, tell me it's the same for you!


eagleofautozam September 2 2010, 18:20:13 UTC
[A roar from… something… ]

Yes, nothing more than monsters… Don’t worry.

[It was a good thing he had left Geo when he did… but would it really have made him attack Geo…?]

Have you felt the need to attack anything else?


soulofocean September 2 2010, 18:24:16 UTC
[There's an audible sigh of relief that sends the device into static.]

...That's great. For a second there I thought-! [Nervous laughter.] This is one HUGE mess.... Right now?? I'd probably go against ANYTHING or anyone unlucky enough to come this way...


eagleofautozam September 2 2010, 18:27:01 UTC
That I might be after your head?

[Said with a hint of a smile in the voice. He can find something amusing even in a situation like this. ]

Where are you? Some place without other people around?


soulofocean September 2 2010, 18:29:45 UTC
Mine's... Anyone's... Aren't you even bothered a little by this??

It's Underground! I was out here training like nobody's business when it happened. At least there's no one around...


eagleofautozam September 2 2010, 18:35:39 UTC
… As I only seem to be attacking monsters, I don’t see any reason to be upset over that.

[Not completely true of course… He hasn’t run into anyone else since MOST people sleep at night. He doesn’t know how he would react to another person… that worries him. But, Umi already seems to be upset. She needs a bit of calm. ]

Do you think the others will miss these creatures?

I am in the Underground as well… The Monsters returned here when the sun rose.

[But the Underground was so big… what were the chances they would run into each other… ^_^]


1/2 soulofocean September 2 2010, 18:40:41 UTC
And you followed them down there? ...Alright, this is bad. Eagle, you have to do your best to fight this! With YOUR willpower maybe you'll pull it off.


2/2 soulofocean September 2 2010, 18:41:38 UTC
---And be careful too! The things you kill?? They won't stay dead. This place's reviving them at record speed! Even HEADLESS!


1/2 eagleofautozam September 2 2010, 18:48:17 UTC
Can you fight against it, Umi?

[Really more worried about her than him self at the moment… ]


2/2 eagleofautozam September 2 2010, 18:48:46 UTC
It revives the dead… even the monsters?

[A surprising revelation… but why wouldn’t it revive them? With a twirl Eagle checks behind him… but unlike Umi he had been on a ‘kill and leave’ campaign rather than collecting a huge mound of heads. ]

If the creatures I have killed have been revived, they don’t seem to know where I have gone.


1/2 soulofocean September 2 2010, 18:53:32 UTC
I'm doing my best but... It's really powerful, this sick THING. I'm not sure if I could hold off and not hurt anyone...


2/2 soulofocean September 2 2010, 18:53:59 UTC
That's good news. Freezing them works, if you can! They'll still revive, but at least they won't be able to move!


1/2 eagleofautozam September 2 2010, 18:57:15 UTC
It is strong…

[Or maybe that wasn’t it… maybe he was too weak. Maybe he didn’t want to stop… ]


2/2 eagleofautozam September 2 2010, 18:57:41 UTC
[A laugh… followed by the sound of an explosion. Eagle responds again when the noise clears.]

I don’t have the ability to freeze things.


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