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1/3 conductyourself July 21 2010, 16:41:53 UTC

[ What was that, even? ]


2/3 voice conductyourself July 21 2010, 16:48:33 UTC





Actions; conductyourself July 21 2010, 16:57:01 UTC
[ The Guru Delivery Service (air-dropping tiny mages to your location since 1994!) is to be praised for its quick response time. Ignii, pleased to be useful for the second time in less than a week, swoops down in a quick corscrew-dive, but Clef jumps off of him before he has even technically landed.

Ow. That leg is never going to get better at this rate, is it? Well, whatever, no time to worry about that. Where's that Water Knight?

... Equally pertinently, where is whatever attacked her? ]


Actions; soulofocean July 21 2010, 17:12:48 UTC
[A random clearing in Xanadu shouldn't be too hard to find when there are semi-frozen raptors and a lot of blood around it.

Umi's surrounded by her icy blue aura, which is cold enough to make the creatures slightly apprehensive. They remain around her as if biding for the proper time to make another attack, circling the wounded Water Knight, jaws snapping, as Umi slowly backs away clutching a bloody shoulder. There are two raptors dead and frozen at her feet.

Of course she's too focused on staying alive to notice Clef's arrival]


Actions; conductyourself July 21 2010, 18:32:25 UTC
[ That's okay! This actually works to his advantage, as it means that the raptors haven't noticed him, either. At least, not in any obvious way. Hoping to keep things this way, he signals to Ignii to hang on a second before flying away. If they hadn't noticed them arriving, they sure as hell would notice Ignii leaving.

Clef couldn't have asked for a more perfect shot, and he took it as soon as he entered the clearing, firing off several blasts of ball-lightning at the raptors without so much as an incantation as warning. ]


Actions; 1/3 soulofocean July 21 2010, 18:39:14 UTC

[Umi jumps away from the sudden lighting attack, the raptors circling her shrieking savagely. Two more fall, convulsing and smoking from the burns of the electric blast, the others scatter around panicky, as if regrouping to face the unforeseen threat.]


Actions; soulofocean July 21 2010, 18:40:00 UTC
...What did-? [WAIT. She knows this attack...]


Actions; soulofocean July 21 2010, 18:40:59 UTC

[Umi tries to take a couple of steps toward the Master Mage, but her injury gets the better of her and she falls to her knees, her aura wavering.

...Which automatically makes for one of the nearest creatures to consider her an easier target.]


Actions; -Jumps in with TOO much TEXT eagleofautozam July 21 2010, 21:28:43 UTC
[Xanadu… seemed like a different place today…

The formerly cut and primly trimmed lawns were now overgrown tangles of grass… taller than the Commander him self in some places. The trees also seemed to have grown since his last visit here. Their roots were now tangled masses that protruded through the ground making the going more difficult.

But as he made his way through the undergrowth… he didn’t seem to be alone. Flashes of shadows, grass that seemed to move on its own… figures that moved on and off of his sensors… was he being followed? Interesting… Fortunately Eagle knew where he was going… the signal from Umi’s device, even as weak as it had become, was acting as a sort of homing beacon. It allowed Eagle to follow a more or less straight pathway right to the clearing where Umi was fighting for her life ( ... )


Actions; There is no such a thing as too much text. ♥ /replies for reaction soulofocean July 21 2010, 21:37:12 UTC
Wha-?! [Clumsy! How had Umi let herself grow dizzy like that?? She'd been ready to do her best to sell her life dearly, icy aura glowing around her, when the raptor about to make the most of her position was smitten from an unforeseen direction.

She turned, eyes going wide with surprise at the new arrival.]

Eagle!! What are you d---? Aw, damn... WATCH OUT!!

[The light of the Water Knight's aura grew even brighter as the will to fight increased, faced with the coming of more raptors, these ones seemingly hot on Eagle's track.]


Actions; Walls of text are love. ♥ We can has posting order? conductyourself July 22 2010, 03:45:01 UTC
[ Clef was preparing to send an ice-attack in the direction of the beast that was getting ready to charge Umi when, right before his eyes, it was run through and butchered by what looked like nothing more than a flash of light.

He smiled just a little when he saw who it was, and for a brief moment thought that it was a good thing he didn't attack the dragon beast, after all, since he might have hit Eagle. Of course, he immediately rationalized that thought by reasoning that it would have been inconvenient to hit anyone by accident -- but the fact was that he was secretly glad they were fighting on the same side ( ... )


Actions eagleofautozam July 22 2010, 04:05:53 UTC
[Distracted by the sudden death of so many of their comrades the raptors backed off… but only as far as the tall grass. They watched from the safety of cover, thinking, and preparing their next assault.

But, this interruption also gave Eagle the chance to make it to Umi’s side, as the monsters that had been following him also made their way to the grass.
Umi did not look well… she seemed shakey and unsteady on her feet. She had obviously lost a lot of blood.
Eagle looked at Clef for a moment… but now hardly seemed the time to do little more than acknowledge that he was here. Umi needed medical help… and the only way to get her any way to rid the place of these… ‘things’. ]

There are more of these creatures out there than I thought. They are all around us in that tall grass… at least 20 of them.

[Though it was difficult to get an exact count since they were not just standing still. ]

Will you be all right for a little while Umi?
She really didn’t look well…


Actions soulofocean July 22 2010, 04:12:30 UTC
Who, me...? [And despite the nature of their recent conversation and the evident fact she was indeed in a very sorry state, the Water Knight flashed both Eagle and Clef as brave a smile as she could manage.

She was getting sweaty, and cold, not to mention her sight had started blurring up. But she'd at least do her best to hold together. Her voice was grateful.] I'm made of steel! Don't think for a moment that I'm becoming some freaky... prehistoric creeper's meal...

[She coughed, striving to stand up, never too surprised to find a bit of blood on her palm as she wiped her lips.]

Thank you, Clef. You too, Eagle...


Actions conductyourself July 22 2010, 04:49:58 UTC
Sit down and be quiet!

[ No sooner had the three of them grouped up than Clef was already barking orders. Even though he had run out of the apartment in a hurry -- again -- he still had come prepared with a messenger bag over his shoulder that contained medical supplies. There wouldn't have been much point in showing up without that, would there? He knelt beside Umi and began taking gauze and antiseptic out of the bag. ]

And hold still.

Commander, keep an eye on those. I have to concentrate on this.

[ With that, he began taking stock of Umi's injuries and working on the most major ones first. Healing of large wounds like this was different from the scrapes and gashes of battle that Fuu usually took care of -- it needed a more powerful but slower-working spell, and standard first-aid while that spell was taking effect. ]


Actions eagleofautozam July 22 2010, 05:04:40 UTC
[It was a bad idea for Umi to stand… having lost that much blood. But, who was he to tell her not to? Wouldn’t that be hypocritical?
If she wished to fight she should be allowed to… until the end,
if indeed this was the end…

But, Clef made that decision by yelling so loud that even the raptors were for a moment shocked into silence.
Obviously a man used to giving orders and having them obeyed… well, Eagle wouldn’t take it personally that he had also… been given a command… this situation called for rather more tact than that.

A healing spell…?

[Eagle asked the mage over his shoulder while still keeping a close eye on his scanners.
Those creatures… they were grouping now… It would only be a matter of time before they came en masse. ]


Actions soulofocean July 22 2010, 05:14:44 UTC
[Too weak and dizzy-headed to argue otherwise, Umi all but dropped down on the ground and let Clef take care of the wounds. Her fading attention was mostly for the perimeter, mostly like Eagle's was.]

...You don't... have to yell at me, you know?? I'm all for cooperating...

[Fine, so temper was temper no matter the circumstances. And ouch. Whatever the Guru was doing to her stung. Umi bit her lip. It wasn't too bad. These weren't the first nasty wounds she had to endure. But this wasn't anything like Fuu's healing magic either.]

They're... still out there, aren't they... The FREAKS. They're waiting...


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