- 105th tide | | rush back -

Jul 07, 2010 20:04


Okay, so now the weather's back to NORMAL... No freaky curses going on, either! At least far as I can tell. Maybe we can pick up pending stuff where we left it.

[Soft sounds of crumpled paper and a light rustling are overlain on Umi's uncharacteristically calm tone. The sea's waves can be heard breaking in the background, distant, along with her easy footsteps.]

Hey, roommates. Guess what. There are a few really NICE houses along the beach area that look right the size of what we need! No risky wall-tearing and amateur demolition job! No hiring anyone!

I mean, look at THAT---!

[Switch to Video]

[There's a blink-and-miss-it glimpse of Umi's content face before the camera is panned over a view of houses on a hill overlooking The City's coast. Then back to Umi it is: her smile shows accomplishment.]

GREAT WAY to solve our space problems, huh? Thing is... [Her tone grows bemused. The footsteps carry on.] No matter if it's rent or buy, affording one of those... Ugh. Maybe we need a plan C. Or to start saving big time.

---Say, how many of you people out there DON'T live in the main apartment buildings? Do you own your place? Rent it? Is it expensive? Reasonable? Talk to us! We got an apartment of around eight people who need bigger rooms and, uhm, relocation would be gre---

[...An abrupt pause... A stop... The device records nothing but an idle angle of the ground, the flank of a bag of groceries and some grass as Umi's hand holds it limply.]

Did I...?

[There's a loud clatter and static as the communicator is dropped together with scattering apples, the battered paper bag and assorted groceries. Only Umi's feet can be seen from the left. Her voice sounds perplexed.]

It's over. It's-! ...All over. It wasn't-!

---Hikaru, Fuu! It's DONE! It wasn't permanent! Presea? I told you! See? It wasn't permanent and I---

[Then, incredulously, entirely to herself:] Boy. I actually said all that...??

[End Video]

[ ooc: The payment time is over, HELL YEAH. Umi's childhood memories plus memories of the trade itself just rushed back to her, so she's finally done paying for Ken's life. Needless to say she's more than a bit overwhelmed ATM. XD Feel free to poke her!

This is slightly backdated to around two in the afternoon too. Fuck my schedule DX Replies will be slow because I'm half braindead from work.]

what a sister must do, never let her close to a deity again, was what you swore the time before, waaaah never again, a lesson learned, apartment shenanigans, omg rush of uminess to the head, ask the network, real estate for dummies, looking like a schizo hi, house-hunting interrupted, kiss money-awareness goodbye, memories go where??

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