- 103rd tide | | whole -

Jun 17, 2010 10:47

[Filtered Away from Hikaru || Unhackable]

Okay, I'm not about to look for catches. REALLY. I'd be a dumbhead if I did. All I want to be right now is HAPPY. Heck, even giddy! But, honest, City. Never without surprises, huh?

Jeez, what else do you make with a situation like this... A friend of yours who went through such painful times in this place, through so many nasty moments is back. And suddenly those are all gone! Erased, like this place's typical memory wipes.

Sure: you regret how the many great friends she made here won't be remembered now. But they can become friends all over again, right? You just feel GLAD the awful memories can't hurt her anymore. Even if they're her own and it feels wrong that they got stolen. Especially when she looks so... lively. So much like herself again... And you swear to do your damn best to stand by her so she doesn't have to go through bad times all over.

...A chance to set things right.

Welcome back, Hikaru.

[End Filter]


Sorry, don't think I'm going to try writing those deity essays. DEFINITELY not my thing. Besides I got better things to do with my time now! The apartment's getting smaller again. And let me tell you: it feels WONDERFUL. We SO need to either expand or move out now, hands down.

Hikaru, how are you adapting? Used to the place already? Maybe we three could go out after Fuu and I are done with work! How's that? A guided City tour.

...Seriously, I swear it'll take A LOT to ruin my mood today.

[End Voice]

hope is a magical girl thing, not the studious type, erase & rewind, feeling complete, apartment shenanigans, wanted to use this icon, omg so happy, who cares about canon differences, bffs, fuck essays, girl's night out go, hikaru, being the magic knight, thank you for once city, fuu

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