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filter; willofthewinds June 7 2010, 18:23:15 UTC
Sure thing! I'd love to shop for books.


filter; 1/2 soulofocean June 7 2010, 18:29:52 UTC
Perfect! I had the feeling you'd like that! With your help I bet I'll buy Clef the most amazing mystery novel EVER, Fuu.


filter; soulofocean June 7 2010, 18:30:26 UTC
Though... any bookstores you can recommend? That'd be REALLY useful! I don't think I've ever shopped for books in this place...


filter; willofthewinds June 8 2010, 03:05:57 UTC
Why thank you, Umi-san.

[She pauses a bit to think.] You could go to [insert name of bookstore here], they have a good selection of various books from different genres. They also cater mystery novels!


filter; soulofocean June 8 2010, 03:26:04 UTC
Great! That'll be the first one on my list! Thanks Fuu. Say, have you thought what to get Clef?


filter; willofthewinds June 8 2010, 03:30:02 UTC
Now that you mentioned it, I don't have a clue. Although, do you think there's a magic book in Clow-san's shop that will interest him?


filter; soulofocean June 8 2010, 03:41:40 UTC
Sure thing! I doubt there's anything you CAN'T find in that library of his! There's bound to be some century-old, weirdo mystery scroll or whatever about a sort of magic Clef doesn't yet know about.


filter; willofthewinds June 8 2010, 03:43:38 UTC
This is true! I'll look into his shop then and see if I can find something.


filter; soulofocean June 8 2010, 03:47:50 UTC
We can stop there before we hit the Square and browse the bookstores! How's that? Maybe Aska and her adviser-boyfriend will tag along.


filter; willofthewinds June 8 2010, 04:14:40 UTC

Oh, he and Lady Aska do look pretty cute together.


filter; soulofocean June 8 2010, 04:20:17 UTC
...I agree. Here's wondering if it's just like that. I mean, she was really wishing HARD for him to turn up and all.


filter; willofthewinds June 8 2010, 04:42:24 UTC
Oh, do you think they're having a secret affair?


filter; soulofocean June 8 2010, 04:45:12 UTC
More like puppy love of sorts! If they've even realized it! Did you notice how DESPERATE he was to make sure Aska was fine?


filter; willofthewinds June 8 2010, 04:57:17 UTC
A love that transcends duty! How heart-warming!


filter; soulofocean June 8 2010, 04:59:48 UTC
Cute too! They sure look adorable together! I think we could just walk off on them as we shop so they can get some alone time...


filter; willofthewinds June 8 2010, 05:05:38 UTC
Do you think they'd rather go and eat at a restaurant together?


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