- 93rd tide | | triad -

Apr 19, 2010 12:52

[Accidental Video]

[A loud thud and the video begins in a blur of swift movement. Running footsteps can be heard, as well as the panting breath of several female voices mingling with ferocious howls.

Just as the camera focuses and the darkness of a random Underground alley comes into view, a violent shove sends the world spinning around as the communicator gets accidentally kicked out of the way.] ---ollowing us!? It came out of-! Aargh--!! ...WATCH OUT for the claws!

[As the image clears again the feed records an askew view of the three Magic Knights, swords in hand, facing a large creature in battle. Hikaru, Umi and Fuu are coordinating their attacks in an effortless fashion, their timing impeccable. It's rather obvious they're used to fighting as a team.]

Yeah! It's so fast! [The redhead jumps, raising her sword and slashing at the monster's side with a yell.]

---Okay, my turn now! [A blue blast illuminates the scene and momentarily blots out the video image.] Aoi Tatsumaki---!!

[The monster staggers back in pain, roaring furiously, its wounded back to the camera.]

It's still standing! I think one last strong assault would finish it off! [Fuu closes her eyes for a fleeting moment. She then concentrates, seemingly searching for the right words within her very soul, as she plunges her sword down the ground and crouches down before it, just like the same stance she used in Windam's Temple.] Imashime no Kaze!

[Potent gusts of wind begin enveloping the growling monster, immobilizing it for the time being. Turning to her friends and fellow Knights, Fuu nods.] Hikaru-san! Umi-san!

[At Fuu's sign, Hikaru and Umi strike at the same time: the Fire Knight jumping and slashing down, the Water one stabbing forth switftly. A cloud of dust shrouds the view as the sound of the creature's large body collapsing echoes through the alley.

Shortly afterward the battered Network device fizzles off.]

[End Video]

[ ooc: Hikaru, Umi and Fuu have just dispatched one of Dhaos' monsters they encountered while patrolling the Underground together! Action for the Knights, IC-ly delayed voice responses for everyone else since LOL, battle. This is backdated to slightly after Sunday midnight. ]

killing ur monsters, doing our thing, kickass like a magic knight, fire wind water, bff army ftw, in ur underground, take this freaks, team work is go, we fight together, hikaru, fuu, bamf magical girl trio

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