- 82nd tide | | a dark sea -

Feb 09, 2010 10:41

[Accidental Voice]

---'re WRONG! Why should I even listen to some freaky product of this place's tricks?! Get out of here and STOP BOTHERING ME!

[Even as Umi's voice just sounded terribly upset next it seems considerably calmer. Colorless and disdainful. Almost as if it were another person speaking, even if it's still doubtlessly Umi.] Hmph. Just like you to believe it's simple as THAT. "Get out", you say. Do you have any idea of what'd be left of you if I DID "get out"?

Nothing. Because you're just a watered down version of ME.

[The tone changes again. This time she sounds so angry it's impossible not to realize these are separate people speaking.] SHUT UP!! You may look like me! You may KNOW things about me! But I'm MYSELF! You're just---! WHAT THE HECK are you anyway??

All that you really are and just keep inside. Simple, huh? I AM Umi. Not that a stupid, whiny girl like you could get how that works. It doesn't matter anyway. Not anymore. [A sound of fizzling air and splashes.]

---what on-? That's my own magic! You believe you can use it against me?? What do you think you know of me? CHEAP COPYCAT!

[A sarcastic chuckle.] Just that you're still a selfish little brat who only cares about herself. You live on your friends' attention just because you're so scared to be alone. Like when you almost died for Hikaru, remember? [Umi laughs bitterly.] So heroic. "I can't let her fight alone~!!" But in the end you did it just because you didn't want to be less than her!

STOP IT! [Another, louder splash followed by a roar of waves.] That's NOT true! I'm going to put an end to this j---

Do you really want to do this? Think fast. If you hurt yourself, don't you think your friends will take it bad?

[There's a gasp and a moment of hesitation. Then a watery blast puts an end to the debate.] ...Figures that'd upset you. Take a timeout, whiny brat.

[End Voice]

[ooc: Umi just had a little confrontation with her Shadow Self. ;; She's been Water Dragon'ed into the Shadow City. Some replies will be from the curse journal soullessocean, some from this one.

Feel free to confront anti!Umi. She's basically all of Umi's nastiest defects made bolder: mean, arrogant, and of course knows all of her "true self"'s dirty secrets. But she can't be expected to always tell the truth.]

shall need therapy later, brb seeming schizophrenic, city you crossed the line, wtf no, wtf evil clone!?, ...ouch, omg bitch fight go, this will hurt, devil & the deep dark ocean, in a mirror darkly

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