- 79th tide | | restart -

Jan 07, 2010 11:30


How long now? A week? I don't think Kobato's coming back any time soon. Is she. When I saw her portrait in the Hall I sorta hoped--- [A sigh.] Just like Louise...

You know what, I think there's no way to help this deal. This... missing everyone, wishing they were still here even if you're happy they're back home? Here's wondering if anyone ever stops feeling like that. I mean, what was THAT yesterday if not NASTY. All that hate boiling up.

...Maybe I just wish I'd done more for Louise...

---Ehh. Anyway: to the point! Is anyone hiring out there?

Mister Chrono's been gone for a while too. So. Time for me to go part time-hunting. I have clerk experience at a magic shop, can wield a sword, cast water spells and am pretty good at baking! [A little sheepish laughter.] ...That has to make for an interesting CV, right?

[End Voice]

never resignation, eff you city, louise, hating the world sucks, omg has work experience now, closet mellow girl, missing everyone ever, kobato, roommate count decreases, job application, sob

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