- 75th tide | | sealed -

Dec 07, 2009 11:39

[Accidental Video]

[Whiteout. As the light wanes we can see, past a sheen of frost, this room only deserted, obviously illuminated in flashes of lightning coming from a large window. A frustrated sigh can be heard in the background.]

---ow much longer can this thing HOLD! ...Eh? Aw, PERFECT.

[A quick blur of motion. Umi's face comes into sight as she grabs the Network device, previously located on a table. She seems quite annoyed, but those who know her may see concern past this surface.]

Alright. I know time and space never really made much sense here. But, THIS?? I swear it was the last thing I expected. Good job, City! You just reached new levels of FREAKY.

I don't care how real it looks. It's CERTAINLY NOT Cephiro. [The camera shifts in her grasp, showing another angle of the room.] ...Last time I checked you didn't enter our bedroom by leaking down from the darn ceiling.

To the Curse Brigade! If any of you guys can hear this, keep people from going too close to the barrier. You don't even have to go through the gaps WILLINGLY: the creaks can suck you in too! And if the City's really collapsing like that guy said...

[Umi shakes her head and recovers from a passing moment of doubt.] Anyway! I'm NOT going to stay locked up in this FARCE forever! Let's see how many more blasts that stupid door can take...

[End Video]

[ooc: Action for Clef. Regular tags for everyone else. LOL here's why she was MIA yesterday.]

curse brigade, not how i wanted to go home, trapped in not!canon, reality falling apart, you don't wanna go there, wtf city, so asking for it, so not cephiro, lol hi a casualty

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