- 003rd tide | | enduring -

Mar 13, 2009 13:02

[PRIVATE] So she did find someone special here... didn't she. I thought he meant more like a crush when she mentioned it but... The way she talks about it...

It's good that she found a little happiness even in a place like this. I'm not letting anything happen to her. ANYTHING. I don't care how bad these curses are. I'm finding a way to protect her and that is THAT. [/PRIVATE]

So that was it, huh. A curse. People getting killed and then coming back the next day. It's so twisted... We really ARE brought here so that whoever's behind this can watch us squirm and amuse themselves.

I don't care if everyone keeps saying it's inevitable. I just can't accept something like this. It's too cruel.

...Is there anywhere here where I could find a good sword? It has to be strong enough to resist magic attacks. I've gone too long without carrying one.

big sister complex, sword plz, resignation never, hikaru, curse aftermath, hating it here

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