- 65th tide | | swept away -

Aug 14, 2009 14:04

[Accidental Video]

---an't believe this place's timing. Just-! [This could be any street near the Square. Or is that the fountain in the background? The camera is partially blocked by fingertips as Umi clutches the Network device close. She sounds astonished, a little out of breath. Maybe the tiniest bit annoyed.]

There... The feeling... I can't be wrong. Home... After all this time and it's just... THERE.

[The image clears out to show us a better view of the surroundings. Umi's face is seen from an awkward angle as she looks ahead. After a second she lowers her glance on the device as she notices it's recording, but doesn't seem to mind it a lot in a moment like this.]

See? I knew it! [A breathless chuckle.] I KNEW it was contrary! The second I stopped looking for it...! [She stares wistfully at an unseen spot in front of her, then closes her eyes.]

Not without them. It's good enough to know it's possible for these things to---

Wh- NO!! [The image is blurred by movement as the device is dropped to the ground. A loud gasp. From this vantage point it's impossible to see anything but Umi's long hair swept by a sudden wind.]

I said no!! I can't believe-! I'M NOT GOING, ALRIGHT!? You can't make me leave them! It's not what I-! Damn, I'll show you--- [A metallic noise, the sound of something sharp stabbing against solid concrete with great strength. Loud screeching, an angry shriek. In the background the wind's hissing grows stronger.]

I SAID NOT N---!!!

[ TRANSMISSION ENDED_ : frequency dead ]

[OOC: So. Umi's gone. She found what she was looking for. Only in the wrong time and place. Passersby feel free to assume there will be decent-sized scratches on the pavement where she stabbed it with her sword to avoid being sucked in. Her dragon rapier was left behind too. But it'll turn to water if anyone tries to pick it up. Only Mokona can revert it back to glove mode, since he made it.]

got what she had coming, curiosity killed the umi, raeg, fuck you city, departure, oh look a portal

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