- 60th tide | | absence -

Jul 28, 2009 12:30



[The question is barely audible: as if Umi asked this to herself. Her voice is slightly breathless but incredibly calm. Though anyone who knows her well enough can tell there's something building up behind that front.]

...why now... deities? Why like this? I... We were planning something for her birthday. And now...

[A long ( Read more... )

one knight left sob, on her lonesome, fuck you city, fml, needs a hug, short of a hikaru, mandatory baw post, putting on a brave face, not as planned, little sisterrrr

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[texted privately] haroicsacrifice July 28 2009, 19:14:26 UTC
I'm coming over. Don't worry, I'll knock.


[texted privately] soulofocean July 28 2009, 19:16:44 UTC
You don't have to, Mister Lockon. I don't wanna be a bother.


[texted privately] 1/2 haroicsacrifice July 28 2009, 19:19:44 UTC


action; haroicsacrifice July 28 2009, 19:20:43 UTC
[And there's Lockon, knocking on the door of Umi's apartment.]


action; soulofocean July 28 2009, 19:25:02 UTC
Oh boy. He really...

[Umi gets up from sitting by the kitchen table, tries to make the place look presentable and goes open the door.]

Mister Lockon. I didn't mean to make you come all the way here, honest...


action; haroicsacrifice July 28 2009, 19:29:06 UTC
[He blinks down at her.]

You didn't mean to what? Who says you made me come here? I'm pretty sure I walked here on my own. And took the subway, too.


action; soulofocean July 28 2009, 19:34:48 UTC
I...! [She has to giggle at that, a little and a bit sadly too.]

You're right. But you shouldn't have. I mean-! It's great to have you here but, anyway... Um... Let me at least offer you tea.


action; haroicsacrifice July 28 2009, 19:38:04 UTC
All right. I don't think I've ever had tea you've made before, have I? So I'm looking forward to it.

[Because at least making tea will give her something to do, and that's important right now.]


action; soulofocean July 28 2009, 19:46:36 UTC
It's not as great as Fuu's, really. But I hope it'll do. Please.

[Umi shows Lockon into the kitchen, which thank God doesn't look half as bad as she feared. Other than that big frozen spot on the wall, that is.]

Thanks a lot for coming anyway. I'm sorry if I worried you.


action; haroicsacrifice July 28 2009, 19:51:52 UTC
[He follows her, quickly taking in his surroundings without visibly dwelling on them too long--checking to make sure that she hasn't done too much damage to the apartment or to herself, but not wanting her to realize that he was worried.]

There are a lot of things to worry about in this City, Umi. I try not to get too worked up about them.


action; soulofocean July 28 2009, 19:55:28 UTC
It's easier said than done sometimes. At least for me. [It's the temper. Or at least her nature. Umi understands that if it was someone else other than Hikaru... well. She'd probably be coping better.

She takes care of standing before the slowly defrosting wall as she invites Lockon to take a seat.]

Let me get you a snack, too. I was making ready for breakfast.


action; haroicsacrifice July 28 2009, 20:05:18 UTC
I know. And there are some things that you can't help how you feel about. I'd be more worried if you weren't upset right now.

[He leans back against a wall and doesn't object to the offer of a snack, even though he's not particularly interested in it; feeling like she's doing something for someone can't be anything but good for Umi right now.]


action; soulofocean July 28 2009, 20:12:09 UTC
...That'd be impossible. Even if I'm trying to keep calm.

[Umi produces the baked goods she was making for hers and her roommates' own breakfast. It's not as if anxiety didn't make her bake more than necessary anyway.

She also understand she needs to move from that wall one of these years, so it's a good thing that Lockon considers upset means good in this case. That's the biggest proof she is. And very.]

It was all so sudden. And just when she wanted to be somewhere else too. This is why I think she'll come back if she has any saying on the matter.


action; haroicsacrifice July 28 2009, 20:23:31 UTC
That's right. So long as you don't break anything, it's okay if you cry and yell a little.

[He accepts a muffin and finally pushes off the wall to take the seat she offered him.]

You should sit down too. The wall isn't going to thaw any faster with you in front of it.

[But he starts to smile again.]

Umi, if anyone has what it takes to "have a say on the matter," it's one of you. You remembered your friends even when you were cursed. This is a little similar.


action; soulofocean July 28 2009, 20:31:04 UTC
Ehh... I guess you're right.

[Blushing a little, Umi can't help but hover in place, stare back at the accursed wall, then smile back at her father figure sort of... sheepishly. Well, look who's she trying to fool.]

Ugly, huh? But no more property damage, I promise.

[But Lockon's next words distract her from her own awkwardness as she does take a seat too.]

Do you think it'll work like that this once? I mean, people tell me some of them remembered this place in their dreams while they were gone, but...


action; haroicsacrifice July 28 2009, 20:38:59 UTC
It's not that bad! If you used fire instead of water things would be a lot worse.

[He leans forward, reaching out to pat her hand as she sits.]

I don't know anything about how this place works, really. But it's definitely possible.


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