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moresake July 6 2009, 17:17:38 UTC
Oh, so you're the one who took her home. You just collect new roommates, don't you, Umi?

I rather enjoyed that last curse. Thanks for sending Watanuki my way. It was just like being at home again.~


soulofocean July 6 2009, 17:22:30 UTC
...Hey, not everyone's eligible. It's comfortable to keep this apartment as a girls-only place. Save for C, but he's a sweetheart and never intrudes.

Don't mention it. So, did he get to ask you what he needed to know?


moresake July 6 2009, 17:25:54 UTC
Of course. And I think that if you hadn't gotten to her first, Clow would have brought her here. He has a weakness for little girls. [She is aware of that innuendo and it amuses her, Umi, sorry.]

Watanuki always has plenty of questions.~


1/2 soulofocean July 6 2009, 17:27:54 UTC
Huh. Mister Clow is really kind! I don't doubt it. Even if putting it like that sounds sort of... yeah.


2/2 soulofocean July 6 2009, 17:28:20 UTC
Kimihiro seemed rather worried about you. To be frank he made me a bit worried too. Especially when he mentioned you've been gone from your world for a while.


1/2 moresake July 6 2009, 17:30:41 UTC
He likes taking in strays, yes.


2/2 moresake July 6 2009, 17:31:30 UTC
That is as it is supposed to be, Umi. Don't worry.


soulofocean July 6 2009, 17:36:02 UTC
...Hey, calling them that is mean.

It's just... Doesn't time stand still back home while we're stuck here? How come Kimihiro noticed? Or are you gone for a different reason...?


private; moresake July 6 2009, 17:39:45 UTC
I didn't mean it in a bad way.

For most people, as I understand it, time does stand still while we are here in the City, and they return to their own places with no memory of their time here. Some people do remember, and return, but those people are rare.

I will be gone there for a different reason, yes. Actually, I had just left when I came to this City; that Watanuki was a little further ahead in his timeline than I am.


private; soulofocean July 6 2009, 17:42:47 UTC
Then there really are cases of people who remember... I wonder what makes it so...

Aw. That explains it. Sorry for being a nosy worrier. It's just that the time-space relationship this place keeps with each of our worlds is already hard to understand as it is...


private; moresake July 6 2009, 17:46:18 UTC
It would be a nice thing to know, wouldn't it?

It's all right. The time-space relationships in my own world are difficult enough to understand.


private; soulofocean July 6 2009, 17:51:30 UTC
That can't be too hard for someone like you who has the power to bend dimensions, right?


private; moresake July 6 2009, 17:58:10 UTC
I don't bend dimensions, I travel between them. It's when they're bent that we begin to have difficulty-- time stretching or moving at different rates between the worlds, and sometimes worse.


private; soulofocean July 6 2009, 18:01:36 UTC
But if you travel them... doesn't that end up altering things one way or the other? Having people visit that weren't supposed to be there?


private; moresake July 6 2009, 18:04:19 UTC
Traveling takes a great deal of power and sacrifice. We did our best not to alter the continuity of any place we passed through. Anyone strong enough to make the journey is generally well aware of the consequences and cost of interference.

I only knew one man who dared to change things on purpose. The fallout from his actions was very great.


private; 1/2 soulofocean July 6 2009, 18:10:23 UTC
That's...! Then fate can really BE changed!

Mister Clow was right...


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