- 39th tide | | uncertainty -

Jun 03, 2009 12:48

[Accidental Voice] [*]

...Why is it that I can't... [Some rustling noise, then silence broken only by heavy breath.]

Boy, it's bleeding... I'm sore...

I-is it too late? Perhaps it's too late. But if he did something... I...

No. No, I refuse to believe that!

[End Voice]

NEVER MIND YESTERDAY. There you have it, in big fat bold.

Curse. That's... the only explanation that's ever needed, right? It'd help if this place was a little less gross and respected our privacy. When do we get a real break, I mean??

No one needs to feel guilty about it and that's that.

[The way to Clow's house wasn't exactly a familiar one and for a moment Umi had feared she would get lost. It wasn't as if a thousand things weren't going through her head right now, more than enough to distract her.

They were going to take them out. FINALLY, the last reminder of the time she'd spent hooked up to machines in Mayuri's lab was going to be erased from her. She had no idea how this was going to work, but did it truly matter as long as it got done? Umi shuddered as she hurried toward Xanadu's green area. She'd made that entry and then rushed off to get through with it. She couldn't wait a second more.

But had it been too late anyway?

It'd been the weirdest thing, waking up to those bruises, the blank in her memory where the last hours of her night (boy, she didn't even remember going to bed) should have been. What had she been doing? If this was a consequence of this freak... affecting her... some way...]

No... I said no.

[But there she was anyway. There at last. She refused to think about it again. Whatever it was, it was going to be over soon. She trusted Mister Clow and Yuuko enough to fix it. Whatever they couldn't attain with their magic Mokona's power would do.

Taking a deep breath, Umi closed her eyes, and knocked on Clow's door.]

Let's do this...

[ooc: Umi has no idea the above posted: she thinks her communicator's voice function is ruined. She got those bruises while being possessed by Timothy and can't remember what she did last night, so she's blaming it all on dear Mayuri~ ♥]

[*] Come this point the voice entry has been distorted by Omi's hacking and won't be that easy to understand.

memory gap, yuuko, not a clue in the world, no fetish suuuure, end of the world as we know it, clow, mokona, to die an early death, brb debugging, dude where's my umi, mayuri, wtf wild night!?

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