- 033rd tide | | stillness -

May 22, 2009 13:06

[Private || Unhackable]

What am I supposed to feel? We never got a chance to get to know him! I know it was important for her to befriend him. And... I think it was for me, too. But other than that... He wanted to do something for her. It'd have helped HIM deal. This place just took away that chance.

...Should I really be this sad about it? I didn't think I care. I'm not as kindhearted as she is.

I'm... actually a terribly selfish person.

[End Private]

You know, if there's one thing I can appreciate about this place it's that it lets people say goodbye sometimes. This is so sweet. Everyone. Though I don't know some of the others... I can't feel depressed about it: Rika'll be home and safe now. But... Jeez I'm really not good at this kind of sentimental thing, am I.

I'll really miss her.

...Actually, scratch that. There ARE other good things. It's just that this stupid City's too good at hiding them.

[Roommates Filter || Unhackable]

The place looks bigger now, huh. Ever wondered how many people we can share this apartment with?

[End Filter]

Also. Um... I think I'm broke.

[ooc: Umi found Rika's goodbye gift. CRAI. Not to mention she burst her budget shopping with Louise the other day.]

rika, my littlest sister, shopping spree goes where?, what is a budget, my wallet hurts, always the worrier, need moar roommies, sob, friends not made

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