Apr 09, 2005 17:31
Hehe, as you may know from the title, i've been hooked on Digital Devil Saga lately. It's an awesome game and fun to play. It plays almost like Nocturne except you don't collect other demons, you become one and you can devour other demons!!! Don't want to spoil any of the story because i'm sure some people may be playing it or want to play it, so i'll leave it at that. It has come to my attention that this month is the month for rpg's, just like last month was the month for action games with the release of DMC3, GoW, and DW5. This month we see the release of DDS and Stella Deus: The Gate of Eternity, a strategy rpg which is shaping up to be an awesome game. So many games and too much time to play them ^_^. Next week i go for my drivers test and hopefully i pass and can finally be on the road legally! Just for fun here is a list of upcoming games i plan on buying:
PS2 games:
Stella Deus: The Gate of Eternity
Haunting Ground
Atelier Iris: Eternal Mana
Arc the Lad: End of Darkness
Digital Devil Saga 2
Makai Kingdom: Chronicles of the Sacred Tome
Kingdom Hearts 2
Final Fantasy XII
Shadow Hearts: From the New World
Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII
Growlanser IV: Wayfarer of Time (if it comes to the US)
GC games:
The Legend of Zelda
That's about it at this point in time, i'm sure a few more will pop up in the upcoming months, especially with E3 coming up next month. As you can see nothing is really coming out for the GC, at least anything that i like, because the GC is missing something and that is RPG'S. That's the main reason i never bought an Xbox whose claim to fame is the 'godly' Halo, hehe, you can tell i really don't like Halo or FPS in general, just could never really get into them.