Ohh, this is neat - I’m checking out
envelope printing from Envelope Printing Online. They’ve got a decent selection, a bit on the small side for an online printer, and the prices are pretty good for anyone who - like me - doesn’t live anywhere near a Kinkos but could still use a service like this. Overall it’s a nifty site, my only complaint is that their selection is very corporate, and I don’t blame them at all for that. I’m sure corporations are their number one customer, but they do run a business online and if they’re going to compete they’re going to have to branch out into more fun, artsy and even cute designs to keep up with the big boys like Vista Print. It’s a nice site, though, and they’re definately worth checking out. I may refer my boss there, the designs look like they’re right up his alley.
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Shibuya 109.