I found out about
10 Questions With YOU from
BlogsWeLuv, recently, and it looked like a barrel of fun so I decided to submit - twice since I screwed up the first time, but my dyslexia sometimes gets the better of me. Here are my answers for those interested:
Describe your blog in five sentences or less:
Shibuya 109‘s my place to relax. I can say whatever I want, whenever I want and generally do. I’ve never been the type of blogger to blog about everyday things, for some reason the peace and simplicity of my hectic days are best left by the wayside, or I’ve always thought so. I’m not here to entertain, but I do think I have a bit of an entertaining writing style, and I manage to say horrible, judgemental things and get laughs in my comments, that’s something I’ve always been proud of. Shibuya is Zen.
Link us to one post from your blog that best defines who you are:
http://shibuya-109.in/2007/08/10/asatru-the-religion-of-the-nazi-party/ What sets you apart from other bloggers:
I’m an odd mixture of mean and sympathetic, and I tend to be slightly aggressive. My blog usually isn’t “I ate this today” or “The mall was fun”, it ends up being “This is why I have to kill Mel Gibson” or “I’ve found a plothole in your holy book!”. I don’t mean to be mean, it just sort of comes out that way, lol.
When and how did you first discover blogging:
I think it was 1997, a friend of mine who frequented Buffy.com back in the day decided to open a blog and I annoyed him to no end with questions about what it was, lol. It took maybe a year before I got my first blog started, updated by hand.
What is your biggest pet peeve related to blogging or the internet:
At the moment bloggers who are up their own asses annoy me. I’m sure you’ve run across the Gods Gift bloggers, who decide that if you don’t code the way they code, design the way they design, talk about the things they talk about and kiss their bungholes, you’re automatically some kind of idiot who doesn’t deserve a website. I’ve seen these people devour other sites publicly, on forums and their blogs, trying th eir damndest to gain reputation and status by shattering other bloggers self esteem. This is a made-up world, people, we can decide in this internet box how we’ll act towards eachother - why start up little wars and be all school yard? What I don’t get is why they never attack me, because I can’t wait to bite their heads off, lol.
Name one plugin, blogging widget, or service that you can’t live without:
Netflix by Albert Banks, I just love this thing, it’s one of the best plugins I’ve ever run across.
If you could choose anyone, living or dead, to write a guest post for your blog, who would it be and why:
One person? That’s hard…Walt Disney, Jack Kerouac, Kevin Smith - would love to hear from all or any but I think if I had to choose just one person it would be the late, great Hunter S. Thompson, who had this insane way of saying things - where he’s dead right or dead wrong, but for a second you’re like, “Wow, that’s exactly right - wait, what? Did you just say you were shooting at evil?”. I miss Hey Rube every year, it was flooring to hear about his passing, he’s always been one of my favorite authors if not one of the greatest voices in literature.
How has blogging made you a better person:
It’s given me an outlet for my directionless rage, lol. Now I don’t have to take it out on people I come across in daily life - I do, but I don’t *have* to. There’s nothing like being able to express yourself with 100% freedom and really get your feelings about something out, it’s very calming.
What are your tips for becoming a better blogger:
Write what you feel and don’t censor yourself, there’s no point in curbing your tongue for others. What’s the point of having a blog if you let other people tell you how to run it? You don’t need a dictator, your blog is your outlet, it’s your ‘show’, if you will, maybe the only place on earth where you can say exactly what you feel.
Name one great blog that you read on a regular basis. What makes it unique:
Just-Nick.net, Nick is hilarious and fabulous and ultrafabulous. He’s got such a unique sense of humour and a lot of honesty, you can’t put a price on that.
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Shibuya 109.