I’m tired, and my back hurts, and I hate chickens (even the delicious ones). And, no, I will not break that down any further than saying that living in farm country is really starting to peeve me. Well, not starting… Don’t confuse me! Do I edit your copy?
I’ve been away from general blogging for almost a month, I say general meaning this blog which be-ith my main source of ranting on the interwebs. I don’t even know what’s up with me, I know I said I wouldn’t let myself fall into the habit of messing with my blog to keep the web Nazis off my back but every time I look at this horrible theme, I think in the back of my mind that this is exactly what I’ve done. I can’t make this look the way I want it to, because it’s very make up goes against everything I believe. I almost want to make it as invalid as possible now, as unreadable, dark and weird as possible just to piss them off. But see, that would be me working for their ends again and, to be honest, I really don’t have the time.
What gets me is that I don’t know that I care all that much. In either direction. There was a point in time when I could almost give a crap but these last few years have beaten that out of me entirely. The only thing I care about now, blog-wise, is being a general hater. Which, to be honest, is all I am in real life.
I don’t even go to other blogs anymore, and I haven’t since I quit that whining, bitching, arrogant, ego-driven baby-fest of a forum who shall remain nameless. And I think, now that I’m away from those brats (who sit online for hours looking for websites that don’t do things the way they do so they can blast them and giggle like cheerleaders laughing at the fat kid), I’m kind of worried that I’ll end up on one of those “I’m elite because I follow rules which I made up specifically so that I could be all elite!” blogs that I love so much and then, knowing me, I’ll say something and it’ll start something. And that, to be honest, will take take time out of my day. Ugh. Way to ruin the web, you hypocritic bastages.
Originally published at
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