I KNEW THERE WAS A REASON WHY JE LYRICS NEVER FAILED TO AMUSE ME. Looking good for the ladies, drinking some protein. ROFL. Indeed, Jin, indeed. 8D But ask;ungh, strangely I find 12'o clock appealing, despite weird distorted chipmunk sounding voices and all. My favourite song besides Taboo and Our Story so far. Hell No is typical KAT-TUN, stylish, polished and rugged. *____________*
>Today was erm, supposed to be my first ever Tennis lesson, but erm, I sprained my right foot, gah, :| this afternoon. I don't know how I did it, but ever since two in the afternoon, I have been experiencing sharp jabs of pain in my right foot which travelled all the way miraclousy, and now, my back hurts. I ended up sitting on the bench and watching my younger sister play. So so envious. D:
>I'm thinking of how it could have ended up this way with my right foot sprained and aching and everything, but I'd think it was probably due to the fact that two days ago, I wore those stupid forsaken heels for business ettique class and the train was literally packed like sardines and the toddler in the stroller kept kicking me. :| I sort of glared at her because I was so pms-sy but she glared back at me. DD: And continued kicking me even harder. a;skungh-I'm thinking twice of having kids now. ;______;
>Okay, I probably make no sense on trying to solve the mystery of my poor foot whatsoever but coherency was never my forte, so pardon me on that. :X On the other hand, the Queen of Pirates advertisements look so so amusing. They all have white thingies in their hair! And Ueda's pose would have fit perfectly on the ad of a fighting flick. Like Ueda, the mighty fairy boxer! Oh, catchy. 8D Gets bricked*
THIS. A friend of mine sent it over via our MSN conversation, and ROFL, it amused me so much.
>Raises eyebrows* Roponggi party? That's new to me. And big names too. PINRYOYUU isn't much of a shock since you know it'd takes much effort of a crowbar to pry them apart, but Koki? ROFL. Seems like he went to join in the fun.
>And the articles goes on, with: " 更有参加的人称:“山下智久、赤西仁、田中圣也都非常尊敬的成田优哥哥成田纯也来了,赤西仁还和成田纯一起给过生日的人派发礼物。把整个现场气氛带到了最高潮。”
另有媒体报道,上个星期锦户亮还和成田优的哥哥一起在西麻布一家店里玩足了通宵. "
>RyoJun combination? LOLOL. Interesting. Very indeed, Gossip fodder always amuses me. Oh, oh the world of paparazzi.
(Credit to
红色柚子 of Baidu and not mine in anyway whatsoever so don't come after me with a crowbar or something. :|)
>ACK. Accounting test on Monday and haven't studied. Am so so going to do badly. I think I want to cry. :|