
Jun 12, 2008 18:30

As some of you know, my girls were banished from my house by my mother and until I get my own place, they're staying with a friend. Said friend lives almost 300 miles away...but I visit once in a while. This time, I was a little too late to say goodbye to one of my babies who was diagnosed with an endometrial tumor and she was too old to be spayed. She was put to sleep the day before I got to Gilda's house...

Things happen, though. Everything happens for a reason, I suppose.

Without further ado, here are some pictures of my girls and Gilda's girls...

My oldest girl, Sesame. Oddly enough, all my younger rats are sick or have passed...and all Sesame is doing is balding and sleeping all the time. She a good old lady. :)

Stewie. Gilda's big, squishy rescue boy. (He's neutered and lives with a bunch of women :P)

Briya. Gilda's rescue girl and Stewie's lady.

Evie. Briya and Stewie's daughter, who arrived shortly after Briya arrived from the shelter.

Evie's blind side, and her adorable dumbo ears. Evie isn't quite...right all the time...But she's adorable and healthy nonetheless. She came from two Russian Blues - which I found interesting. Made me wonder what exactly Briya carries in her genes.

Another of Sesame. :) (she was holding still!)


I thought this was a really beautiful picture (even though Gilda might kill me for posting it). This is Gilda and Blueberry, who is one of the girls we had to put to sleep over the weekend. This was the morning we decided.

And this is me attempting to make it artsy.

This one isn't so nice...I sharpened it a whole bunch so it kinda looks like it was drawn or painted. At least to me anyway...

EGG! This is Holly, one of Gilda's geriatric rats.

And Gerty.

Rats are funny about food. When you won't give it to them and they really want it, they will do just about anything to get it from you. *grabby hands*

Blueberry was such a pretty girl, even when she looked miserable.

An absolutely priceless picture of Stewie...bwaha.

I always though Gilda's rats were so photogenic. Briya even smiles when you takes her picture.


My oldie but goodie, Sesame.

All rats I have met have an unhealthy fascination with toothbrushes.

Cuddles. :)

Blueberry being a slug in Gilda's hands...

No pictures!!!


There aren't words. People who don't own rats will never understand...

And lastly...

Gilda is pretty :)

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