Feb 15, 2010 07:15
Bouncing around like a bit of a yoyo lately. One moment I'm happy as larry, the next moment I'm feeling angry as a caged cat, next moment I'm a little bit bawww and just want to be left alone.
With those mood swings is coming different productivity rates which is causing me to work furiously, then just cbf everything and watch Scrubs all day long.
Is this what it's like to be a woman? Man, someone sew my cock'n'balls back on. Maybe I've been to long without a girlfriend and the universe is trying to compensate for me.
In general life news we've moved into a new place in Windsor which is ruling pretty hard. Soooo much more living space and just in general a nicer feel. We lived in a shithole/shoebox for a year and let me tell you, never again. Still in Windsor which is good, I like this suburb. The whole north vs south thing is pretty redundant within a 5 suburb radius of the city IMO, and once you go beyond that in any direction life sucks a little.
Bout to announce a tour of New Zealand and the east coast of Australia for Defamer which I can't wait for. Also just finished our 5th song for the new album "Absolute Inversion" which is coming along just splendidly. The album has a lot more of a black metal tinge to it than the first all-brutal-death release. Very interesting.
Shellfin chugs along well, finished writing the album so now we're just getting it tight to record. We were picked up by a bloke doing a music management course to be our manager and he's doing good things, spreading the word of the fin and what not. Tis such a fun band to play in.