New Beginnings

Jul 01, 2008 15:43

 At a friend's suggestion and with her help (thanks myfieldnotes), I created this livejournal to help me better organize my fledgling attempts to follow and eventually join in my favorite fandoms.  However as I've allowed months to go by while slowly figuring out LJ (friends list, what a concept!), adding fic to memories and such, I suppose I finally should make a first message.  So here it is.  I hope to use this journal to occasionally record my thoughts but mainly to keep in touch with friends and join in the fannish worlds I've enjoyed lurking in so much.

Eventually I hope to post a few fannish activities of my own.  I have been making music videos.  Yes really. Of course due to my own incompetence where computers are concerned I've managed to goof things up but I believe I have matters under control and hope to rebuild my two Torchwood attempts and a LOTR one soon.  And then if I'm feeling brave I'll post them and see what happens.

What a brave new world we do live in ...

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