The horror....

Aug 04, 2005 05:47

Its true...I am...truly...something that I don't want to believe....happened to me....something I feared....something I tried to keep myself from....but in the didn't I must now....reveal....that...I didn't keep my myself...not to....GET FATTER!!! Man I WAS SUPPOSE TO LOSE WEIGHT THIS SUMMER NOT GAIN. ;.; I hope I don't look like a whale. AH MY GOD THE HORROR IS TERRORIZING ME!!! I need help. NO MORE EATING A LATE SNACK OR YOU WILL GO KABOOM!!! Ok this nightmare will be over o-e. Wait and watch. IT WILL DISSAPEAR.

And to those hearing this....WHEN IS NARUTO COMING TO TV????? :( I'm tired of downloading SHH SHH ITS ILLEGAL DON'T TELL ON ME....O_O Anyhow...I like Bleach was on dvd so I can just go out and buy it. Hm....I use way too much dots. MUST REDUCE AND USE COMMA'S!!! Or maybe I can stop using caps...but I love caps...Not the button Capslock but...USE THE POWER OF SHIFT!!! Although my pinky always hurt resulted from it...

I think....I MUST SAY!!! I am a fool!!! Let it be known!!! Watch when I LEARN MORE ABOUT CPU'S!!! I'll GET BIG MONEY!!! I like this goes. "CASH RULES EVERYTHING AROUND ME C.R.E.A.M GET THE MONEY DOLLA DOLLA BILL YALL" You might have heard it...Its by Wu-tang Clan titled C.R.E.A.M Hey this entry is getting pretty long and...even more nonsensical so I will now depart BUT DON'T MISS I WILL BE BACK IN JUST A MATTER OF TIME!!!

<3 <3 <3
~Inside a forbidden laughter~
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