A LJ new years resolution

Dec 30, 2008 13:54

I don't know if this is a first or to be honest care.

but here goes:-

I would like those of you in LJ-land to comment ONCE (and only once) with something that you think would be a reasonable resolution for me.

The rules:-

The 1st rule of LJ NY res is you don't talk about.....

But honestly please follw these 'guidelines'
1) 1 Resolution Comment per person (NOT account)
2) You may 'second' and even 'third' etc comments that others make
3) Make it reasonable, sensible and attainable (I only have a year)
4) Its a resolution not a truth or dare game

and please read the following information before thinking of a resolution:-

The only drugs I do are alcohol and caffeine - so i can't give up smoking :P
I can't drive
I replenish my holiday in the new tax year and I've got 20ish days
I'm quite happy with my job/love life
Nottingham is great and I currently like living here.

and away my little flying monkeys

I'll post the final resolution/s on Monday 5th January

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