Dec 04, 2003 15:53
Ok so camping. I rocked up to renes at about 10:30 and was greated by him halfway up the street. "Your gonna be shocked by the amount of shit we have to carry" he said. We get to his house and i was totally shocked by the amount of shit we had to carry.
Luckily or unluckily depending on which way you look at it we were offered a lift to the station by a guy that was at his house. The one condition was that we had to ride lying down in the back of the ute with the cover pulled over us. Imagine riding around in a coffin with a V8 engine and tharts pretty much how it was.
Anyway we got train and ferrie to Bundenna (or whereeva it was) and Rene asked a nice gentleman were the camping grounds are. He pointed out that it was over on the other headland. Much groening ensued. Then the nice gentleman offered to give our luggage and one of us a lift over to the camping site as he ownes the service station and it was pretty close to wear we were going. Well it didnt take much convincing and soon Rene was off with said gentleman and the rest of walked to the campsite.
When it came time to setup the tent i was a little aprehentious as rene had previosly said we had no tent pegs. And one knows you cannot set up a ten t without tent pegs. But fortunatly he found them in the bag with the poles. Where they were meant to be.
We also had no mallet or anything to hit the pegs into the ground with, so rene decided to use the gas canaster, "Nooooooo" i screamed, as i would like to keep my arms and face intacked, so he decided not to go that way. Then i went of to look for a decend sized rock to use and i hear rene say " We can use this bottle" refering to the empty bottle of strongbow that i had just drunk, and both kirill and aaran both thought it was a great idea. "Its glass you idiots" i yelled, and that stupid plan was drooped aswell and we went with my idea of using the rock.
As soon as we started setting up the tent the wind decided it was a great time to blow like a bitch, making it really difficult to setup, as the tent is really one big parachute. Pegs where being ripped from the ground, poles where being knocked over and tempers were flaring. But we managed to set the tent up ok.
when it came to have dinner Aaron had bought the ingredients for some stew. Which i cooked. The whole time i was preparing and cooking rene was being very sceptical about my abilities saying that we were gonna go hungry and saying if you think its gonna be ok then it will be ok in that tone that means its not gonna be any good. It turned out to be very nice and we all except rene injoyed it.
The ground was really hard and i got no sleep that night.
In the morning after breakfast we went for a swim. the water was mildly cold but as soon as u got in it was nice. Kirill was a big pussy and didnt come in.
After swimming Aaron and I walked all the way to the shower blcok for a shower. What should have been a ten minute walk took about 25 minutes because we didnt have our shoes on and the road was all gravely and painful and the grass was full of bindies.
Rene and i went for a walk that afternoon along the beach and left Aaron sleeping and Kirill reading. When we came back it was dark and all we could see was a light coming from the tent which was kirill reading. Rene started yealling " Keeral I loooove you" in a sort of high tone. This caught on and all that nioght and the next day was " keeral,i looove you Keeral." Much to everyones amusment and Kirrils dismay.
That night it rained and the tent got semi flooded. Every one was organised in better sleeping positions so i got a better nights sleep.
Woke up next morning packed up our shit and left the park. We had uber fish and chips for lunch while waiting for the farrie.
Sorry for such along post but I did leave out a whole lot so don't complain too much.
Also if you ever take Aaron camping bring a rubix cube or something to keep him occupied while he doesnt help you setup.