Nov 04, 2007 11:53
Taken from Song in the Silence
Khétrikharissdra (Khay-tree-khar-eess-drah). Usename Kédra (kay-drah).
Mirazheshakramene (Mee-rah-zhay-shah-krah-may-nay) Usename Mirazhe (Kédra's mate)
Vowels are essentially those of Italian or Hawaiian, each with a consistent value that is always pronounced. A rough guide would be:
a = ah, as in father
e = ay, as in say
i = ee, as in see
o = oh, as in vote
u = oo, as in true
Consonants are essentially as in English, with a few exceptions:
K before a vowel is always followed by an aspirant (h)
R, unless initial, is always “soft” and slightly rolled
Labials (m, p, b) are generally unpronounceable by the Kantri without a great deal of practice, with one exception. The “m” of Mirazhe’s name is so written to indicate the nearest English equivalent of the actual sound, which is very like a nasal liquid.
The plosive that occurs between s and r (-khistri-, -issdra-) may be represented by either d or t in English-the pronunciation lies somewhere in between