Nov 01, 2004 17:43
I am nervous already. The polls haven't even opened here and I'm already stressing. I told Yvonne about it, and she told me to relax, that we'll win. However, I can't help but think about 2000.
I was so positive that we'd win. I couldn't believe that anyone would actually vote for that dimwit we're now calling Commander in Chief. In fact, the ONLY person I knew in 2000 who was voting for Bush was my ex-boyfriend's friend C, who was ALSO a dimwit. So, I didn't worry. I was confident that we'd take it. I was wrong.
I was so shocked by the outcome. In all my political work, I'd never once imagined the last election would turn out as badly as it did. So now I'm freaking because I know this country really can't survive another Bush-and-Friends administration.
I am afraid. I love my country, and I HATE what this bastard has done to it. I don't want him to get another four years to destroy everything our founding fathers held sacred.
I can only hope there are enough people out there who feel the same way.