Mar 24, 2006 15:59

If you would be kind enough to take 5 minutes of your time to fill out this survey for me asap, it would help me out a lot. It's for a project for my advertising class. Thanks so much in advance! (you can just post your answers in a reply)

OUR MISSION: To learn more about the lifestyles & buying habits of condom users.

1. What is your sex? (choose one) ---> male or female

2. What is your age? -->

3. What is your relationship status? (choose one> ---> single, in an open relationship, in an exclusive relationship

4. How often have you purchased condoms in the last 30 days? (choose one) ---> 0 times, 1-2 times, 3-4 times, or 5 or more times

5. Where do you obtain your condoms? (choose all that apply) ---> health center, supermarket, convenience store, from a friend, from your partner, or other:_________________

6. I use condoms each time I engage in sexual intercourse. (choose one) ---> strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, or strongly disagree

7. What do you use condoms for? (choose all that apply) ---> pregnancy prevention, STD prevention during oral sex, STD prevention during anal sex, STD prevention during vaginal intercourse, pleasure enhancement, other:_______________

8. What brand(s) of condoms do you purchase? (choose all that apply) ---> Trojan, Durex, Lifestyles, NaturaLamb, other:_________

9. What makes you choose a brand over its competitors? (choose all that apply) ---> packaging, brand reputation, effectiveness, advertising/media, other:______________

10. Which, if any, line extensions do you prefer & why? (e.g. Warming Sensations, ribbed, lubricated, Her Pleasure, etc.)

11. Which, if any, line extensions do you dislike & why?


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