I'm feelin' a lot better now. Sorry if I worried anyone, 'specially my roommates. Malik, I saw your last entry. I'm sorry he didn't tell you what was goin' on. I guess we never did get to go an' make snacks in the kitchen, did we? We still can, if you want. I promise this ain't gonna happen again, the whole... uhh, almost dying thing.
[Private // Hackable]
Jing an' Cassis an' the other Kir... although I guess he's the only Kir now. I think they're all mad... at me or at him, I dunno, maybe both. I know they wanted Kir back, wanted him fixed an' whole but they got me instead. Not too surprisin' that they're disappointed. Maybe after some time goes by, I can try bein' friends with them again, but if they don't, I'll understand. Too many bad memories an' all that.
Etna said she didn't care about the whole thing an' she was just glad I was okay. It felt good an' I realized... it wasn't just him who likes her.